Quizzes & Infographics

How to Turn Your Desk Setup into a Work Sanctuary [Infographic & Video]

Updated 10/26/2020.

Each person is acclimated to their own desk style, but are all desk styles conducive to feelings of calm and relaxation? According to a recent article published by Entrepreneur.com, an average office employee spends more than an hour a day “looking for things.” A cluttered space can result in haphazard workflows, misplaced documents, and a lack of ability to focus because everything is fighting for your attention at once. Lack of organization usually means lack of efficiency, which can result in an increase of stress. Simply put, more mess leads to more stress.

But all is not lost. There are ways to bring more Zen into your work day. It’s all about how you keep things organized for your office desk setup.

“Sanctuary” may be the last word you think of when it comes to your desk space, but it may not be as far-reaching as you might think. For starters, the placement of your desk can align with the benefits of feng shui to introduce a good energy flow around where you work. Who wouldn’t want to create an environment more prone to prosperity and creativity?

For balance and clarity, place your monitor near the back of your desk and keep things tidy near the center. Additionally, keeping a journal or sketchbook situated in the front right section of your desk helps generate more creative vibes.

Continue to build your desk sanctuary in other ways by making it more personal with photos. Add your family, pet, or a travel scene to your desktop. Bring in a plant or include some splashes of color or new lighting to brighten up the space. By incorporating some simple touches to the area typically known for housing only a computer, pens and custom notepads can make it feel more Zen.

Want to learn more about turning your workspace into a desk sanctuary? Get inspired with both our infographic and new home office ideas video below!

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